Giving Back

Productivity and work-life balance are at
the heart of our workplace culture. Giving back to our community is part of our core values, it’s the Blue Chip way!

If you have a request for donation, sponsorship opportunity or volunteer request, please send us an email to

doing it right
sponsoring volleyball


We believe in supporting our community sports groups and  nonprofit events and programs with paid sponsorship or volunteer work.

Blue Chip ESGR sponsored this women’s volleyball team jerseys for their 2022-23 season!


We believe in giving support and are always looking for ways to invest in the communities where we live and work.

This past Christmas, Blue Chip ESGR provided a local Peace River family a festive holiday meal and a little something extra to help make Christmas special through difficult times. 

giving back at Christmas

Blue Chip ESGR is a results-oriented business. We keep our teams small, which offers members full ownership and accountability for the project at hand. If you need help making sure your measurement and reporting practices are equitable and compliant, we can help.

Our tag line is “doing it right”.


With our thorough understanding of oil and gas regulations and reporting requirements, we collaborate with our clients across North America to address their measurement, regulatory compliance.

Request a callback directly from your inbox!

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