Blue Chip ESGR Announces Launch of Environmental Company, Green Chip Environmental and the Appointment of Roohee Thaver

The Board of Directors of the Q-Chip Group of Companies, comprising Blue Chip ESGR and Green Chip Environmental, is pleased to announce the appointment of Roohee Thaver as a shareholder and Director of Operations for Green Chip Environmental. Roohee’s reporting line will be directly to the shareholders of Green Chip Environmental. 

Green Chip Environmental

Green Chip ENV

Roohee was initially employed by Blue Chip ESGR with the objective of improving its environmental services. These services will now be separated and incorporated into the Green Chip Environmental entity. This decision was implemented to ensure that resident experts are assigned to their respective fields of competence, hence preventing any confusion among clients regarding the varied service offerings provided. 

Green Chip Environmental focuses on helping clients reduce greenhouse gas emissions from providing support with inventories and estimating reductions. Assisting with fuel, flare, and vent reduction initiatives, as well as fugitive emissions, including leak detection, Green Chip Environmental specializes in programs that are designed to reduce methane emissions and establish emission estimates, reductions, and offsets. Other services include registering devices and systems with the Alberta Carbon Registry and identifying opportunities for voluntary GHG emission reductions, carbon reduction strategies, quantification for instrument gas to instrument air system conversions, pneumatic device electrification, and pneumatic vent gas capture projects. Green Chip Environmental helps with project management and credit generation, applying for funding through the Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) support program, climate change regulatory development, and purchasing and selling of credits.

“Roohee has been awarded a new position, a development that has generated approval from the company’s owners. Roohees’ prior professional background, particularly during her time at Blue Chip ESGR, is expected to contribute significantly to the company’s pursuit of its ambitious growth objectives and its commitment to delivering outstanding customer service.” – Scott Bartlett, Director of Communications and Co-founder of Q-Chip Group of Companies

Roohee, who possesses over a decade of experience in the oil and gas sector, has assumed the responsibility of supervising the operations of Green Chip Environmental. The professional in discussion will assume the responsibility of overseeing the management of various service offerings, with a particular emphasis on the reduction of emissions resulting from fuel use, flare operations, and venting activities within the industry. The primary goal is to decrease the carbon footprint throughout North America while simultaneously guaranteeing adherence to regulatory obligations through a collaborative effort involving the linked organization of Green Chip Environmental, identified as Blue Chip ESGR. Roohee’s strong professional background in analytical roles, quality assurance positions, and environmental emissions domains confers considerable benefits to the team. She is a recognized figure in the environmental sector, renowned for her unwavering determination to enhance the scope of Green Chip Environmental’s activities.

Roohee possesses a strong work ethic, driven by a commitment to excellence and a visionary mindset. In addition, she demonstrates a deep alignment with the core values and ethos of a Chip company. This alignment is reflected in her dedication to providing professionals with an environment that fosters productivity, prioritizes their psychological well-being, and ensures the fulfillment of our promise to customers by delivering superior support and service.
Blue Chip ESGR has experienced significant growth in its customer base, increasing from one client to over 40 in a span of one year. It is projected that the company’s revenues will exceed $5 million by the conclusion of 2024.

The companies known as Green Chip Environmental, Blue Chip ESGR, and Q-Chip Group have established their operations in two distinct geographical areas. These locations are situated at 3263 Parsons Road in North West Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and Suite 1121 102 Central Ave Sweet Grass, Montana, USA. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that our workforce, consisting of both employees and contractors, predominantly operates in a remote capacity and is geographically scattered throughout North America, as substantiated by the data provided on our individual websites.

Visit Green Chip Environmental here

About the Q-Chip Group of Companies

The creation of the Q-Chip Group of Companies seeks to reintroduce a customer-centric strategy inside the oil and gas industry, thereby augmenting the value delivered to consumers. The leading organization within the collective is Blue Chip ESGR, a company that specializes in delivering environmental, social, and governance services, with a particular emphasis on ensuring adherence to regulatory obligations for upstream and midstream operations in Western Canada. Their primary area of expertise lies in the domain of measurement and reporting.

The formation of Green Chip Environmental marks a notable progression, as the company seeks to broaden its scope by including additional industries. Throughout the duration of this expansion, the organization remains committed to upholding the essential attributes of service and integrity that played a crucial role in the founding of Blue Chip ESGR and remains the ethos of all Chip companies. The Q-Chip group argues that within the present corporate landscape, fair pricing, transparent billing processes, and a significant focus on customer care is still a massive opportunity for any organization wanting to have success in a competitive landscape. These factors are expected to serve as the group’s primary differentiating factors.
The founders’ objective is to construct a conglomerate of enterprises that place utmost importance on ensuring client satisfaction throughout all facets of their operations, encompassing execution, report generation, invoicing protocols, and other related areas. The Q-Chip Group of Companies is now engaged in the cultivation of a corporate environment that places a high premium on both productivity and work-life equilibrium.

Let’s all welcome Roohee Thaver, Green Chip Environmental’s Director of Operations to this incredible team!

The Genesis of Q-Chip

Co-founder Wayne Dunnington has made significant contributions to the Alberta basketball scene, which led to our team being given the moniker “Blue Chip”. Named after the 1994 basketball-themed film of the same name, which first hit theatres that year, Blue Chips is a nod to the film’s source material. This service is in keeping with our commitment to provide what the industry calls a “Blue Chip” service, the gold standard in terms of quality. As a result of our company’s growth and newfound financial resources, we have launched an all-encompassing 10-year growth plan. A multi-company conglomerate is at the heart of this proposed strategy. Each subsidiary inside the holding company must maintain its own unique set of services to ensure the preservation of our outputs.

Our success as a whole depends on our ability to provide exceptional outcomes, which is why our founders are committed to upholding the kind of outstanding standards usually associated with so-called “blue chip” companies. This ensures that each department within the corporation stays focused on its own area of competence. We’ve decided to set up a group of businesses that look like Q-ships (also called Q-boats, decoy vessels, special service ships, or mystery ships) to follow this strategy. The aforementioned ships were civilian vessels modified with secret armament to tempt subs to launch attacks on land. When “Q-Ships” and “Chip” merged to form a new company, the Q-Chip Group of Companies was born. Q-Chip’s investors expect the company to grow and diversify, with a focus on providing value to the commercial sector, and they want the company to keep its reputation for reliability and accuracy in its work. The website for the Q-Chip Group of Companies is scheduled to go up sometime in 2024.

For further comments or information pertaining to Blue Chip ESGR, Green Chip Environmental, the Q-Chip Group of Companies, the investment opportunities associated with these entities, and, or if you are interested in joining their workforce, kindly contact Communications Director, Scott Bartlett, directly at

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With our thorough understanding of oil and gas regulations and reporting requirements, we collaborate with our clients across North America to address their measurement, regulatory, environmental and ESG needs.

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